Make It Happen Month is a 30-day challenge designed and presented by Candice Kelly, to help you start pursuing your dreams. This challenge is unique in that it is not focused on planning—business or financial planning—but on learning through doing.
It starts in January. Here's how it works:
Every day, you'll take one bite-sized action step toward your dream.
Every week, we'll meet in person to troubleshoot, strategize, and push each other forward.
On January 31st, you'll present your creation – rough edges and all – to a community that gets it.
After Make It Happen Month you’ll feel different. You've built momentum. That book? It's got its first chapter. That business? It's got its first customer. That non-profit? It's touched its first life. You’ve built connections. A community of fellow creators who get it, who push you, who celebrate your wins. Most importantly, you've tasted what it's like to prioritize you. To push through fear and doubt. To create something from nothing. This isn't just about 30 days in January. It's about the rest of your life. Your dream matters. Your legacy matters. And January is your launchpad.
We’re excited to invite you to join the Make It Happen Month Challenge this January, and let’s make awesome happen together.
Visit to learn more and register.