Dream, Plan, Achieve: Envisioning What's to Come.
October has passed, and we're now in the home stretch of 2023. The wonderful thing about November is that it inspires reflection and intention for the coming year. This is a valuable moment to set our intentions and embrace "A Fresh Perspective." It's about recognizing growth, letting go of what no longer serves us, and envisioning new possibilities. This paves the way for a focused and determined entry into the new year.
How to Wrap Up 2023 on a Positive Note:
Appreciating Progress: Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the past year, we've made progress. Perhaps it's the personal growth, the small victories, or the lessons we've learned. This is the time to honor those achievements. Write down what you're grateful for from this year—your accomplishments, mindset changes, obstacles overcome, risks taken, and moments of unexpected strength and love.
Creating Your Vision for 2024: Take a moment to envision what you want 2024 to look like. How do you want to feel a year from now? What results do you want to create in collaboration with the universe? (something I talk about in my book). Clearly articulate your aspirations and feelings. This clarity will serve as your guiding star in the months to come.
Releasing the Old: The key to embracing the new is releasing the old. Consider what you want to let go of from this year. Identify any resistance, fear, or control that's held you back. Are there feelings or mindsets you can no longer bear to carry? This is your opportunity to adjust or change aspects of your life to ensure they align with your vision for the future.
Choosing Your Word for 2024: To focus your efforts, select a word for 2024—a word that encapsulates your deepest desires and intentions. It's a flexible approach, allowing you to adapt and evolve as the year unfolds. Your word serves as a constant reminder of your aspirations, like my unwavering commitment to “innovation”. Possible words of the year include flexibility, surrender, feel good, ease, peace, simplicity, release, or bravery. Write your word down and keep it visible to guide your decisions.
Celebrate Your Progress: Finally, celebrate your journey. Give yourself a moment of self-compassion. Whether it's a hug, a dance, or a heartfelt touch to your chest, acknowledge the significance of what you've accomplished. We often rush through life without celebrating our achievements, so take this moment to do so.
I hope that this practice has enabled you to let go of what's no longer necessary, connect with a vision that resonates with your well-being, and welcome what destiny has in store for you. I’d love to hear about your experiences and emotions after you’ve completed it. Share your thoughts in the comments!